

Other Activities

(1) Educational / Civic Activity
1. Release of the database
2. Partnership with the local communities
3. Special supporting projects for contributing local communities
"A project to activate farm and mountain villages on the base of sustainment of aquatic and biological resources."
4. Activities for Exposure to Science and Technology Experience(such as Junior Science activities)
5. The collection and release of natural history information(Kawai Library, etc.)
6. Information exchange meetings with the Nara Prefecture Life and Environment Groups
7. Commitment to the City Council Committee, etc.
8. Joint to field labortory for undergraduate students.
9. Establishing ties with other Asian neighbors.
10. Participation in the Ultraviolet Ray Monitoring Network

(2)the KYOUSEI Science Center symposium

(3)Collaborations with the other institutes
1. Center for Natural Environment Education, Nara University of Education
2. The National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
3. Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University
4. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
5. Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
6. Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
7. The Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (Viet Nam)
8. Pusan National University (Korea), etc.

(4)Publishing of a book on the principles of KYOUSEI science

(5)The Center Discussion Panel

(6)Release of Center news

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彫拞崅惗岦偗 搶媑栰懞栰奜懱尡幚廗
撧椙彈巕戝妛 嫟惗壢妛尋媶僙儞僞乕

E-mail kyousei.nwu@cc.nara-wu.ac.jp