
Message from director

丂丂The “KYOUSEI Science Center for Life and Nature” was established on April 1, 2001. The Japanese word “KYOUSEI” primarily means “symbiosis”, a technical term used in the research field of biology. However, the Japanese word “KYOUSEI” also has more general meaning “living together” or “being together”, and is thus widely used to imply various meanings, such as “sustainable”, “environment-conscious”, “inclusive”, “co-existent”, and so on. The “KYOUSEI Science” is a novel interdisciplinary research field that ultimately aims at the establishment of symbiotic 乗i.e., sustainable and environment-coexistent乗 society.
丂丂Since the settlement of the KYOUSEI Science Center in 2001, a number of members, with different profession and research backgrounds, have belonged to the Center. They have produced a lot of scientific results and have returned the outcomes to the society through outreach activities such as open symposium and field education program, thereby contributing to the development of KYOUSEI science. These research and outreach activities, mostly focusing on the nature and human activities in Nara and Kii peninsula, have been conducted under the management of past directors (Professors Tadashi Oishi, Akio Furukawa, Keiji Wada, Masashi Takada, and Satoshi Tamotsu) and have contributed greatly to the establishment of KYOUSEI science and spread of the KYOUSEI philosophy.
丂丂Following these great past directors, I was appointed to the sixth director of the Center on October 1, 2020. In line of the direction of the past research and outreach activities, and towards the establishment of sustainable and environment-conscious human society, we will continue, deepen, and expand our research and outreach activities, while keeping “KYOUSEI” spirit in our mind.

Atsushi Sakai,
Director of the KYOUSEI Science Center for Life and Nature

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撧椙彈巕戝妛 嫟惗壢妛尋媶僙儞僞乕

E-mail kyousei.nwu@cc.nara-wu.ac.jp