
Clothes for the futurenara women's university
  • Education
  • Research

The motto of this course is 'Education for talented persons with not only technical knowledge, but also creativity, a rich research ability for problem-solving.'

Clothes for the futurenara women's university
  • Education
  • Research

The Clothing Environmental Science Course provides professional education related to a comfortable clothing life and covers fiber science, textile technology and chemistry, apparel technology and clothing design.

Nara women's University CESC 

Feel your clothes
and wear your passion

Modern society is changing at a frenetic pace, including lifestyle changes, the increasing number of the elderly, global warming, and the advance of information technology. In this context, the importance of the study of the clothing environment, that which shapes the most intimate human environment and supports human activity, continues to increase. Toward the construction of the safe and comfortable clothing environment demanded by the times, we carry out education and research on polymers and fiber assemblies as well as the management and reuse of clothing. Further, we aim at the cultivation of human resources with the ability to create comfortable and stylish clothing environments.

