About CotoQue
CotoQue opened its door on the second floor of the University Union on April 5th 2019.
Exciting events will await the students in this special space, and they can enjoy and try various languages and cultures here.
The students can also pop in and interact with each other at any time while enjoying various pictures (e.g. international news and films) on air.
There are a lot to offer here; globalization, multilingualism, cross-cultural understanding, and more than anything, fun !
Used in class
At "Career Design Seminar B(37), International Groupwork A", the students were divided into three teams and worked on the following tasks during a total of eight classes.
丂 丒creating videos to be broadcast on CotoQue or on YouTube (Jingisukan team)
丂 丒CotoQue window decorating (Katsu-Don team)
丂 丒CotoQue interior decorating (tapioca team)
In the report, students introduce the team members, the origin of the team name, what they did in each class, what they discovered, and their messages to other Nara Women students.
仠丂Jingisukan Team(creating videos)
Jingisukan Team Report
The video can be seen here 仺丂"Jingisukan Team" Videos
仠丂Katsu-Don Team(CotoQue window decorating)
Katsu-Don Team Report
仠丂Tapioca Team(CotoQue interior decorating)
Tapioca Team Report
Looking for volunteer staff !
We are looking for a volunteer for the upcoming events at CotoQue.
We also welcome your exciting idea via email (cotoque[at]cc.nara-wu.ac.jp) at any time!